# Changelog ## 1.7.13 - Updated "Enable Limits" tooltip for clarity. ## 1.7.12 - Improved how exhausted choices are removed to prevent the input IDs of choices from changing. ## 1.7.11 - Fixed issue where the "Enable Limits" checkbox wasn't showing with newer versions of Gravity Forms when used with the Quiz Add-on. Additionally, issues with the checkbox and limit column not showing in GF 2.4 have been addressed. ## 1.7.10 - Fixed an issue where Javascript errors were thrown on Gravity Forms Admin for fields without choices. ## 1.7.9 - Added German translations. Credit: Florian Rinnhofer of sportunion.at - Fixed issue where the "Enable Limits" setting would not be visible for some choice-based fields when using Gravity Forms 2.5 or newer. ## 1.7.8 - Updated location of "Enable Limits" checkbox to be under "Options" in Gravity Forms 2.5 and newer. A tooltip was also added for the option. - Fixed issue where `gwlc-disabled` class would not be properly added to inputs. ## 1.7.7 - Fixed potential PHP warning in `GP_Limit_Choices::apply_choice_limits()` if a field does not have any choices. ## 1.7.6 - Fixed an issue where Remaining conditional logic based on exhausted fields did not evaluate correctly on submission. - Added "Update URI" to plugin header to improve security. ## 1.7.5 - Fixed issue where remaining count conditional logic would not work with delayed payment feeds. ## 1.7.4 - Fixed conflict with GP Inventory which also uses the "limits-enabled" class to style it's custom input column. ## 1.7.3 - Updated how choice limits are fetched to use a standardized method. - Added [gplc_choice_limit](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gplc_choice_limit/) filter to allow filtering choice limits when fetched. ## 1.7.2 - Fixed issue with Limit Choices not working with Conditional Logic as expected. ## 1.7.1 - Updated filter used to disable choices from `gform_field_content` to `gform_field_input` so choices were correctly disabled when hydrated by Populate Anything. - Fixed issue where conditional logic for remaining choices would not be processed when using the PayPal Checkout Add-On causing checkout to fail. ## 1.6.34 - Improved support for Gravity Forms 2.5. - Updated Gravity Perks minimum required version to 2.2.3. ## 1.7 - Improved support for Gravity Forms 2.5. - Updated Gravity Perks minimum required version to 2.2.3. ## 1.6.33 - Fixed an issue where a vertical pipe in a Product field's value may cause GPLC to fail. - Fixed issue where choiceless message did not display for choiceless fields. ## 1.6.32 - Fixed issue where evaluating if a field was exhausted always return true when no value was selected in that field. ## 1.6.31 - Added error catching when invalid form is passed via GF filters. ## 1.6.30 - Updated gplc_choice_counts filter so that the modified $counts variable is returned by the function. - Fixed typo in filter name (gplc not gpls). ## 1.6.29 - Added [gplc_choice_counts](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gplc_choice_counts/) filter to allow sharing counts between different-valued choices. - Updated plugin author. ## 1.6.28 - Fixed issue where only last choiceless field was correctly designated and rendered. ## 1.6.27 - Fixed issue where disabling choices (rather than removing) was not working as expected since version 1.6.26. ## 1.6.25 - Fixed potential performance issue when limiting choices on a form with a large amount of entries. ## 1.6.24 - Fixed issue where multiselect fields were not correctly limited. ## 1.6.23 - Added missing translation support for rogue string. ## 1.6.22 - Fixed issue where choice counts for multi-input fields were not correctly retrieved in GF 2.3. - Added two new filters: 'gwlc_is_edit_view' and 'gwlc_selected_values' ## 1.6.21 - Added support for GF2.3. ## 1.6.20 - Fixed issue where value was not properly sanitized when fetching choice counts. ## 1.6.19 - Fixed issue on Gravity View edit view where exhausted choices were not displayed though selected in current entry. ## 1.6.18 - Fixed issue limiting choices in multiselect fields with newer versions of Gravity Forms; field value now saved as JSON string. ## 1.6.17 - Fixed typo in localized string. - Updated POT file. ## 1.6.16 - Added localization support. ## 1.6.15 - Fixed issue on Gravity Flow Detail page where exhausted choices were not displayed even when selected. - Fixed issue where some 3rd party add-ons call gform_pre_render twice which can result in double-processing of choices. - Updated GP_Bootstrap to v1.2. ## 1.6.14 - Fixed issue where Product fields with values containing special characters were not counted towards the limit correctly. - Updated how Product field values are sanitized. ## 1.6.13 - Fixed issue where validation was not re-executed on final form submission for multi-page forms. ## 1.6.12 - Fixed issue where Remaining-based conditional logic did not work with Product fields. ## 1.6.11 - Updated minimum GF version to 1.9.15; resolves issue with dependency on gf_apply_filters() function. ## 1.6.9 - Fixed backwards-compat issue with pre GF-2.0 versions ## 1.6.8 - Fixed issue where selections from products with associated quantity fields hidden by conditional logic were not counted towards the limit ## 1.6.7 - Fixed issue where GF2.0 changed how field values were escaped which caused some limits to not be correctly applied ## 1.6.6 - Updated perk to use GP_Bootstrap - Updated "gplc_pre_render_choice" filter to include form and field specific versions # 1.6.5 - Fixed issue where deleting a field that another field depends on for (Remaining) conditional logic will cause a JS error - Added 'gplc_requested_count' filter - Fixed issue where conditional logic for (Remaining) check fields even when not applicable ## 1.6.4 - Added caching support to get_choice_counts() method to improve performance - Fixed issue where re-submitting the form by refreshing the confirmation page bypassed validation ## 1.6.3 - Fixed issue where options with no limit were incorrectly limited ## 1.6.2 - Fixed issue where products/options with inline quantity input were not limited correctly ## 1.6.1 - Fixed issue where items were returning out of stock error even when none were ordered - Fixed issue where fields were pages on subsequent pages were being validated prematurely ## 1.6 - Added support for counting actual quantity ordered towards Product and Option field limits - Added two new filters, "gplc_out_of_stock_message" and "gplc_not_enough_stock_message" - Updated "gplc_remove_choices" and "gplc_disable_choices" to use gf_apply_filters() w/ support for field-specific versions ## 1.5.9 - Fixed issue where choices containing ampersands were not counted towards limit ## 1.5.8 - Fixed issue where options were not correctly disabled due to change in GF generated value for drop down pricing fields ## 1.5.7 - Fixed issue when conditional logic is triggered before script has initialized (like when prepopulating a value) ## 1.5.6 - Fixed issue where gravityforms.js was not included automatically if frontend.js was not included ## 1.5.5 - Fixed issue where "Remaining" conditional logic failed on submission when GF1.9 placeholder was applied on select ## 1.5.4 - Fixed issue where "Remaining" conditional logic was failing when GF1.9 placeholder was used on select ## 1.5.3 - Fixed issue where exhausted choices were no longer correctly disabled when not removed due to change in Gravity Forms choice HTML IDs. ## 1.5.2 - Added support for conditional logic based on whether or not the field's choices are exhausted ## 1.5.1 - Fixed an issue where validation was no longer being processed if choices are not disabled (they are not by default) ## 1.5 - Updated for Gravity Forms 1.9 release ## 1.4.9 - Added "gplc_completed_payments_only" filter (pseudonym for "gwlc_approved_payments_only" filter) - Fixed issue where "gwlc_approved_payments_only" no longer functioned correctly since GF changed "Approved" status to "Paid" ## 1.4.8 - Fixed bug with remaining choices conditional logic when used with radio button fields ## 1.4.7 - Removed code that attempted to select a default value (workaround for Gravity Forms bug that is no resolved) - Fixed bug where multiselect options were not disabled when applicable ## 1.4.6 - Fixed issue where limit-enabled options were selected as default value even if non-limit-enabled option was already selected ## 1.4.5 - Fixed issue where first option was selected if a field was hidden and then shown via conditional logic even if that option was disabled ## 1.4.4 - Fixed bug where init script was registered even if no limits were applied to form ## 1.4.3 - Added new filter: 'gplc_disable_choices'; if choices are not removed, they will be automatically disabled. This filter allows exhausted options to be selectabled - Added support for bypassing validation when exhausted choice is configured to not be removed and not be disabled (supports "waiting list" concept) - Added support for conditional logic based on the count remaining for any given choice (checkbox and multiselect fields not yet supported) - Fixed bug where a limit of "0" allowed the choice to still be selected once - Updated min version of GF to 1.8.9 - Updated min version of GP to 1.2.5 ## 1.4.2 - Fixed issue where choices were not properly disabled when they contained an ampersand (value used to search for disabled replacment was not properly esc to match GFs) - Fixed styling issue which revealed limits choices UI in error ## 1.4.1 - Fixed issue where choices with very long labels/values were not correctly limited ## 1.4 - Added support for multiselect fields ## 1.3.1 - Fixed issue where checkboxes were not correctly limited - Added gp_limit_choices() function to return static instance of class - Updated code base with various improvements - Updated class to singleton - Updated required minimum version of Gravity Perks to 1.2 ## 1.3 - Added hook 'gplc_choiceless_message' to allow modifying the message (and markup) displayed when there are no choices available for a field ## 1.2.4 - Updated documentation to return gwiz.com URL - Updated changelog.txt format ## 1.2.3 - Fixed issue where new gplc_remove_choices hook ignores value returned the gwlc_remove_choices hook - Fixed whitespace issues - Fixed issue where if option is specified as preselected it will be preselected even if the limit is exceeded ## 1.2.2 - Fixed issue where drop down Option fields were not properly disabled when gplc_remove_choices hook returns false ## 1.2.1 - Fixed bug where '0' was acting as limit of '1' ## 1.2 - Added 'gplc' prefixed hooks - Updated code to run choices through gplc_pre_render_choice hook regardless of whether any choices have been selected prior ## 1.1.9 - Fixed styling issue in the admin where choice row would wrap when choices container had enough items to scroll - Fixed issue where adding item via "Bulk Add" would not display limit inputs for new choices ## 1.1.8 - Added support for multi-choice 'option' pricing fields ## 1.1.7 - Added class to disabled elements for styling disabled elements in older browsers ## 1.1.6 - Fixed notice for undefined variable ## 1.1.5 - Added support for disabling items rather than removing them, activated by 'gwlc_remove_choices' hook returning false. ## 1.1.4 - Remove rogue print_rr, classic... ## 1.1.3 - Added new hook: gwlc_choice_counts_query Allows full cusotmization of the get choice counts query ## 1.1.2 - Fixed issue where if there were no more options on a required field and the user attempted to submit the form it would still successfully send. ## 1.1.1 - Fixed typo in documentation ## 1.1 - Added checkbox field support ## 1.0 - Added documentation and documentation images. - Added two hooks: gwlc_remove_choices and gwlc_pre_render_choice - Added safety net - Added support for passing 0 as a limit - Added support for approved payments only